What are early warning signs of thyroid problems?

If you’re a woman who is approaching menopause or already going through it, you know that your body is changing. Things like insomnia and hot flashes become part of your life whether you want them to or not. As unpleasant as they are, they are normal and something that you should expect to experience as you grow older.

However, there are additional symptoms – things that you might not have been prepared for. Things that you might not want to accept as inevitable.
For example, you might find that no matter what you do, you start to put on weight. The weight may be more likely to show up on and around your belly than it used to be. Even if you adjust your diet and hit the gym more frequently than you used to, it might still be difficult to get back to where you used to be.
It’s frustrating and you might be at your wit’s end. That’s where a new product from nutrition expert Dawn Sylvester comes in. It’s called The Thyroid Factor and it claims to have the answers to your belly fat problem.
Thyroid Factor Dawn Sylvester

What Is The Thyroid Factor?

Let’s start by talking about what The Thyroid Factor is. Simply stated, it’s a new informational product from Dawn Sylvester – the creator of the 7-Minute Ageless Body Secret — that looks at the connection between menopausal weight gain and belly fat, and the function of the thyroid.
The product breaks down into three components.
  • The 21-Day Thyroid Weight Loss System – This is a book that explains the connection between thyroid function and menopause – a condition that Dawn Sylvester refers to as Thyro-Pause. It includes information about low thyroid, a list of thyroid-suppressing foods, information about how to order the right thyroid tests, a list of questions to ask your healthcare provider, and information about the top thyroid supplements you should be taking to get your thyroid back on track.
thyroid factor 21 day system
  • 101 Thyroid-Boosting Foods – This supplemental guide lists 101 common items – including foods, essential oils, teas, herbs, and spices – that you can use to boost your thyroid.
101 thyroid factor foods
  • Thyroid Jumpstart Guide – This supplemental guide is designed to give women an easy-to-follow daily plan to jump start their weight loss and get their thyroid back to where it should be.
Thyroid Factor review
In other words, this isn’t a nutritional supplement. It’s a collection of books that Dawn Sylvester has written to educate women about their thyroids and what might be causing them to slow down and stop burning fat.
Thyroid Factor review

What Does The Thyroid Factor Claim to Do?

The primary claim of The Thyroid Factor is that it helps to rebalance the thyroid, making it possible for women to lose weight, burn belly fat, and reclaim the energy they had when they were younger. Let’s break it down.
As women near menopause, they often experience a host of unpleasant and demoralizing symptoms. These may include:
  • Fatigue and exhaustion that never seems to go away
  • Increased belly fat that resist diet and exercise
  • Body aches and pains that make it difficult to enjoy life
  • Brain fog that can affect your ability to work and remember essential information
  • Accelerated signs of aging, including dull skin and hair

Worst of all, at this time of their lives, women also experience an increased risk of:
  • Heart attack
  • Stroke
  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
In other words, menopause doesn’t just affect your appearance. It affects your health. It can reduce your enjoyment of life, and, increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.
According to Dawn Sylvester, The Thyroid Factor gives women the formula they need to overcome their thyroid problems and get rid of the unpleasant symptoms and risks associated with menopause. The primary information included in the books is dietary.
Dawn Sylvester explains the foods that women consume that can have a negative impact on their thyroid performance. She also gives advice about exercise, thyroid-boosting foods, and lifestyle information – all of which is designed to help women fix thyroid problems naturally and look and feel years younger than their chronological age.

Does The Thyroid Factor Work?

Reviewing a product like this has some challenges because the experiences of women may differ greatly from one another. Some women experience debilitating hot flashes and weight gain at menopause while others have only mild symptoms.
The best way to evaluate the product, then, is to talk about how common thyroid problems are and to examine if they can be resolved by changing your diet.
First, let’s look at some statistics about hypothyroidism (low thyroid.) According to the American Thyroid Association, approximately 20 million Americans have some form of thyroid disease. That works out to about 12% of the total population.
Even more alarming is the fact that 60% of those who have a thyroid problem don’t know they have one. The ATA also notes that the medical profession still knows very little about what causes thyroid problems.
Of interest to people who may be considering this product is the fact that women are between five and eight times more likely than men to develop a thyroid problem in their lifetimes. That means that one in eight women are affected by thyroid issues.
Thyroid factor program
Now let’s look at some of the scientific research into the causes of thyroid problems. First, a 1999 study looked at the effects of a low-calorie diet on a patient with hypothyroidism and diabetes. It found that the diet helped to reduce insulin resistance and improve the patient’s thyroid performance. However, it is worth noting that this study looked at the effects of the diet on a male patient.
Another study looked at the impact of adding extracts of certain fruits (mango included) on hypothyroidism in rats. The conclusion was that the polyphenols and ascorbic acid in the fruit had a beneficial effect on thyroid function.
Finally, a 2013 study examined the impact of a vegan diet on hypothyroidism. The results showed that eliminating all animal products from the diet resulted in a lower risk of hypothyroidism in most people.

The takeaway here is that there is some reason to believe that dietary changes can have a positive impact on thyroid function. The dietary regimen recommended in The Thyroid Factor has not been scientifically tested, but since the diet mostly involves eating unprocessed, whole foods, we feel that it’s a safe diet to try.

How Much Does The Thyroid Factor Cost?

As we told you at the beginning of this review, The Thyroid Factor is an informational product. It’s not a supplement, so the costs associated with buying at are one-time expenses. However, that doesn’t include the cost of buying the ingredients necessary to follow the plan included in the books.
In the sales materials for The Thyroid Factor, there’s the usual hype about what the product is worth before they reveal its actual price. Fortunately, it is a reasonable price given what you get in return for your money.
The introductory price for The Thyroid Factor is $37.00. In return, you get the three books as outlined above.
Thyroid Factor Dawn Sylvester
It’s worth noting that the company offers a 60-day, money back guarantee. If you try the plan and it doesn’t work for you, you can return the books and get a full refund. That may offer some peace of mind for people who suspect they have a thyroid problem and want to give The Thyroid Factor a try.

The Thyroid Factor Review Conclusion

The final recommendation of The Thyroid Factor review is that this is a product that suggests making healthy and common-sense adjustments to the diet. There’s no question that women’s bodies change during menopause, and it’s likely that making dietary adjustments could play a role in helping them lose weight…
And the money-back guarantee makes it easy to give this product a chance if you think it might help you. If you’d like to learn more or purchase a copy of The Thyroid Factor now, please click here.